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  • Writer's pictureHannah Yates


Updated: Sep 22, 2020


  • We used two cars in our film, one that the woman was being held in and one that was used as a getaway car. Luckily, a few of us had cars to use so we didn't have to borrow anyones from outside the group. We used the dark grey coloured car as the one of the kidnappers to make it seem like they were the most dangerous.

  • The pillowcase and zip ties were used to hold Olivia hostage in the boot. The zip ties show her strength as she managed to break out of them effortlessly when the boot opened. She was also able to fight both of them off and shoot one of them, all while having the pillowcase still on her head covering her eyes. This makes her character more powerful.

  • The gun is usually a symbol of strength and death, so when this is taken away from the kidnappers is when they lose all their strength and power.


  • The kidnappers were wearing all black outfits to symbolise their lack of innocence and purity. They were dressed to look like British road-men or 'chavs'. This was meant to show them to be more dangerous, as people have this common perception of people that dress like this that they are up to not good.

  • The protagonist, the woman in the car, is also wearing a black outfit, although we don't concentrate on this when she is lying in the boot with the pillowcase on her head. When she gets out of the car is when we first see her costume and this is when power is asserted on them men, showing the audience her strength and similarity to the men being that she can too fight.

  • We don't see much of the woman in the getaway car, however her eyes are covered by sunglasses. This shows a sense of mysteriousness that makes the audience want to keep watching and find out what happens next.

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