In our pre-production planning process we developed our concept and ideas and made two storyboards, one which is a rough draft story board and then a more detailed and developed one. The story boards include examples of shots used in the final cut. However, many of the frames are indications of what kind of shots to use when we film. The order of the frames have been altered and changed during the editing process, as well as extra shots and angles added on the filming day. Due to some in the moment inspiration and innovation.
On the filming day a significant change we made was that it was too difficult to film one of the last scenes where the shot showed half of the protagonists face in the car while the car is driving away, revealing the two kidnappers bodies on the ground. This was because we were not able to film while the car was moving as well as the fact that our location was rather populated.
Final storyboard by Olivia Yi:
Original draft storyboard by all members of the group: