We researched several locations during the planning process as needed to make sure we found the right place for our filming: not too populated, well lit, and industrial looking. We ended up deciding to use a carpark on 105 Curran Street.
Michael Joseph Savage Memorial Park:
We first thought of this location to use as the monument could be an interesting background to our thriller opening. For our final shot of the opening we wanted a view of the city to emphasise the grandness of the main characters journey, and from this monument there is a good perspective of the city.
Down sides of this location are that it would usually be quite populated, especially in the afternoon, and we would need to film during the day to ensure we get the best lighting as possible. Also, if we were to film at night there, we wouldn't have enough light only coming from the monument to light our whole screen and make it look realistic.
Below are some photos of the location.
However, due to the Coronavirus, we couldn't be certain the road would be accessible by car. We changed our location to Hamer Street, near Silo Park.
Hamer Street:
It had a good view of the harbour as well as being relatively secluded, and is near an industrial zone which juxtaposes the natural water, giving it a grimy look.
However, when we got there, it was under construction. We re-located to Curran Street, near the bottom of the Harbour Bridge.
Curran Street:
It is a relatively secluded area but is easily accessible and has a view of the harbour. It is a public road so we don't require permission to film but it is slightly populated so we would need to make sure traffic and pedestrians were out of the way, requiring us to make sure we don't film their faces.
This ended up being the perfect location as was next to the sea but also had a view of the industrial city. Also, the final shot of the car driving towards the harbour bridge worked out well for our film.