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  • Olivia Yi


Updated: Sep 22, 2020

While deciding on a title we went through many options like 'Five to go' 'Affliction' and 'Justice'. Initially we came up with the name 'Five to go' since at the end of the opening the driver says 'two down, FIVE TO GO'. Being the last line of the opening it has a dramatic impact on the audience leaving them wanting to know more about what the 'five to go' is. Therefore, the title 'Five to go' would add to the suspense and emphasises the significance of the line.

Another option was 'Affliction'. Affliction is a cause of pain or distress, it is something that makes you suffer. This title would represent the main protagonist making the two kidnappers suffer because they in fact are the bad guys. As well as being a singular word which stands out on the screen and is easily memorable.

However, after a lot of deliberation we ultimately decided on the title 'Death by Dawn'. Although we liked our other options we found that 'Five to go' sounded too cliche and may be confusing or irrelevant to the audience, keeping in mind that this is an opening rather than the ending. The title did not give off the thrilling suspenseful vibe we were aiming for. As well as the words not being visually appealing on the screen because the words are all short. 'Affliction' on the other hand proved also to be too complicated and may not be understood by the audience.

The title 'Death by Dawn' creates the suspense and animosity we want the audience to feel. The words also roll of the tongue and sound memorable. The idea of "Death by Dawn' indicates there is more death coming and leaves the audience wondering why and when the next death may occur. Since our opening revolves around the killing of the two kidnappers we thought it would be fitting to centre the title around death. By adding 'Dawn' it draws the audience in wondering what dawn brings. As well as the scenes being filmed in the morning with a low-key sunrise gleaming through, representing dawn.

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