Opening sequence synopsis
Two thugs wait for a simple swap: Handing over a harmless woman for a few ounces. Little do they know, the woman has her own agenda.
Complete film synopsis
A nameless assassin is paid to kill seven men over one night. Why do they deserve to die, and who is paying her?
Title Ideas
We have three contenders for the title:
Affliction- The state of being harmed or in pain. It reflects what the protagonist is setting out to do.
Dead by Dawn- Showing the goal at hand. 'Dead' shows what the goal is and 'Dawn' shows the time constraint for tension.
Death by Dawn- Similar to 'Dead by Dawn' but sounds more pleasing.
Institutional Conventions
We will show the studio logo at the beginning, much like that of studios like MGM or Universal.
We will shoot our film in the style of many action thrillers, like The James Bond and Jason Bourne series' films. We will stay similar to ensure that similar audiences of this films will be attracted to this film.
We will also show credits throughout the opening, very similar to thriller films like Casino Royale, Get Out and Sicario.
Genre Conventions
Narrative- The aim to create a thrilling story for the audience to enjoy.
Mise-en-scene- The film is set at sunset, showing the night is approaching and dark colours will develop. The characters are wearing dark, showing that none of them are inherently 'good' people. Violence and fast-paced action shows that this film is visceral and real
Sound- The film has a grimy and loud aesthetic, showing that this place isn't kind, very similar to fictitious cities like Gotham
Cinematography- The composition of shots are simple and utilise close-ups, mostly to establish identification with the viewers and to showcase emotion and feeling, a large part of the film. It is also fast-paced once action begins to show the fast nature of the action
Protagonist- Played by Olivia Yi. The character is nameless for the whole film as she is an expert assassin. She is trained and calculated, able to hold a fight on her own from fists to guns. She never questions her employers, but tonight, it changes.
Antagonist- Thugs played by Stanley Brabazon and Flynn Poskitt. The characters are low-level thugs that are gullible and not smart. They represent the criminals on the street, everyday people who turn bad. As the protagonist works through her list of clients, she encounters more skilled and smarter antagonists
The Driver- played by Hannah Yates. The character is another nameless character. She is perfectly timed and calm under pressure, her skills are impeccable and gets her and the protagonist out of scrapes in with gang members and the law
The choreography will showcase various things about the character:
The phone will show that the protagonist is expert at creating distractions
The fight scenes shows her physical strength
The fact the protagonist takes down the thugs blindfolded shows her calculation and pre-meditation of the fight