We arrived to Hamer street and discovered that it was actually under construction. Therefore, quickly moved to Curran street, our contingency plan working out well. The place was partially populated but we worked around it by filming when traffic was low and in between people walking by.
We arrived at 1:15pm and filmed Guerrilla-style, hoping each take was the best and not worrying about playing it back. We finished at 5:30pm, just on golden hour which was ideal for our final shots.
The weather was good and we filmed very quickly, cutting out setups to film faster. We managed to film it all before sunset which we did not expect since we started half an hour later than we organised. The only problem was the actors' accents and the fact they couldn't pronounce the words.

Olivia became a lighting operator, using a bronze light bounce and Hannah was the sound operator, operating the Rode microphone on the end of a boom pole.

We used the Canon 70D on a Benro Tripod, connected to a Rode microphone on a boom pole as well as using a LED block light and light reflector.
We had a Zhiyun Crane III but we decided not to use it because we felt handheld and sticks would be better as it will be more grounded and gritty. The filming was mostly done by myself with help from Hannah and Liv with some compositional advice.